Monday, October 22, 2012

Waktumu Usahamu.

Betapa mulia cita-citamu menjadi Pengusaha adalah supaya punya Waktu. Nggak banyak yang berpikir begitu. Nggak ada malah. Lama-lama cita-cita kayak gitu akan semakin tenggelam seiring dengan meningkatnya kebutuhan materimu, matangnya usia produktifmu, dan lain-lain ketika kamu merasa katarsis dirimu harus dikeluarkan dengan jalan yang berlebihan tanpa kamu sadari.

Kecuali aku. Dulu. Untuk diriku sendiri. Untuk keluargaku ke depannya nanti.

Semua yang dilakukan, sadar atau di bawah sadar, akan membawa kita ke tujuan tertentu yang lebih konkret di masa mendatang. Pilihan sih, dan tergantung karakteristik pribadi, juga pengaruh nurture yang ada. Kalau boleh dibedakan menjadi beberapa arah, beda juga berapa kedalaman yang mau di raih, itu yang membedakan satu sama lain dengan tujuan-tujuannya. Tidak ada yang salah, tidak ada yang benar. Tidak ada yang untung, tidak ada yang rugi untuk diri sendiri sebenarnya. Untuk diri sendiri loh yaa.. Ini perlu diperhatikan supaya tidak salah kaprah. Selalu ada sisi dan nilai positif yang bisa diambil dari semuanya. tergantung mau dari sudut pandang mana kamu mengambilnya. Dan tergantung dari step yang mana kamu melihat posisimu berada.

Yang penting jangan kecil hati. Mau kamu berusaha terlalu keras atau tidak buat diri sendiri, yang penting dijalani dengan ikhlas. 

Bukan begitu?

Thursday, October 11, 2012

"Brown Eyes"

Remember the first day when I saw your face
remember the first day when you smiled at me
I stepped to you and then I said to you
you was the man I dreamed about

remember the first day when I called your house
remember the first day when you took me out
we had butterflies although we tried to hide it
and we both had a beautiful night

The way we held each others hand
the way we talked the way we laughed
it felt so good to find true love
I knew right then and there you were the one

I know that you love me cause you told me so
I know that you love me cause your feelings show
when you stare at me I see you care for me

I see how you are so deep in love
I know that you love me cause its obvious
You know that I love you cause it's you I trust
and you're missing me if you're not kissing me
and when you look at me your brown eyes tell your soul

Remember the first day, the first day we kissed
remember the first day we had an argument
we apologized and then we compromised
and we haven't argued since

remember the first day we stopped playing games
remember the first day I fell in love with you
it felt so good for me to say those words
cause you felt the same way too

The way we held each others hand
the way we talked the way we laughed

it felt so good to fall in love
and I knew right then and there you were the one

I know that you love me cause you told me so
I know that you love me cause your feelings show
when you stare at me I see you care for me
I see how you are so deep in love

I know that you love me cause its obvious
You know that I love you cause it's you I trust
and you're missing me if you're not kissing me
and when you look at me your brown eyes tell your soul

I'm so happy so happy that you're in my life
and baby now that you're a part of me
you showed me
showed me the true meaning of love
and i know you love me

I know that you love me cause you told me so
I know that you love me cause your feelings show
when you stare at me I see you care for me
I see how you are so deep in love
I know that you love me cause its obvious

You know that I love you cause it's you I trust
and you're missing me if you're not kissing me
and when you look at me your brown eyes tell your soul

You look at me and your brown eyes tell your soul

If I could change the lyrics, it would be like this.